Genesis 2.0
The Search for the Truth Continues
It is probable that the superstitious people in the Middle East who wrote down their theory on how the universe, Earth and life were formed about 4,000 years ago were largely ignorant of the sciences of cosmology, physics, chemistry, biology, paleontology and geology, etc. However, in spite of the huge progress and success of science over the last few hundred years there are still a number of people who insist that the biblical creation story is literally true in spite of a number of serious difficulties.
Genesis 2.0 was written as a result of discussions with such fundamentalist, literalist creationists and provides a review of published scientific evidence that leads to a personal presentation of an updated version of the story of how the universe was formed from a quantum vacuum through to the origin and evolution of life from chemical processes.
This book should interest and inform you whether you are a curious Believer, agnostic or non-Believer and whether you believe that science is the best tool that we have for determining the truth or a fundamentalist creationist who has accepted the indoctrination of an extremist religious sect.

What They’re Saying
An informative and provocative update on a well-known book
This book grew out of a long-running online confrontation with a "Young Earth Creationist" who's main debating "tactic" was to lie and/ or misrepresent modern scientific understanding of the history of the universe, the Earth, life and science. After a long period (several years) of putting up with this tosh, Dr.Howarth felt inspired to turn his authorial talents to putting together a modern update of the history of the universe etc. This is the result.
As an Earth Scientist myself, I'd have done things somewhat differently, and drawn on a wider range of sources. But you'll not go far wrong with Leslie's "chemist's eye view". It is in the nature of reporting recent advances in science that some items and opinions have aged poorly, but that doesn't detract from the essential utility of this book.
Credit should go to Martin for inspiring this book. Every non-existent soul saved from the clutches of religion by this book can go on Mr Yirrell's account. Which I'm sure will please him greatly. Credit where credit is due.
Where you can buy Genesis 2.0
Hardcover - iUniverse
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ISBN: 9780595655694
Published: 2003
List Price: $27.95
Paperback - iUniverse
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ISBN: 9780595262878
Published: 2003
List Price: $17.95
E-book - iUniverse
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ISBN: 9781469720081
Published: 2003
List price: $3.99
E-book - Kindle
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Published: TBD
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Format: mobi (Kindle)
E-book - Smashwords
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Formats: epub, mobi (Kindle), Online Reader
Paperback - TBD
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